Silvia Bedotto

Certifikovaný inštruktor

Od detstva sa venovala tancu, absolvovala základy baletnej prípravy. Jej vášeň pre pohyb ju doviedla k štúdiu rôznych metód a smerov, ktoré napomáhajú k znovunadobudnutiu harmónie tela a duše a teda k lepšiemu zdraviu. V dnešnej rýchlej dobe pociťujeme stále výraznejšie, že predovšetkým zdravie je naším najväčším bohatstvom. Pohyb je a môže byť naším prirodzeným lekárom a terapeutom, či ako kondičné cvičenie, výzva fyzická i mentálna, ale i ako terapia fyzických (i psychických) tráum alebo vrodených štrukturálnych deformácií. Vtedy sa stráca hranica medzi cvičením, terapiou, meditáciou a motlidbou. To je dôvod, prečo je Silvia fascinovaná spájaním najnovších poznatkov s tradičnými metódami a pokračuje v neustálom vzdelávaní u svojich učiteľov, hlavne v zahraničí.

Od roku 2003 sa venuje cvičeniu metódou Pilates. Absolvovala úplné najvyššie vzdelanie metódy Pilates na Balanced Body University (BBU), California, USA. Je registrovanou trénerkou III. Stupňa – úrovne Balanced Body Pilates Comprehensive. Po ukončení štúdia absolvovala niekoľko workshopov so svetovými hviezdami Pilatesu ako Elisabeth Larkam, Alycia Ungaro, Allan Herdmann a Yamuna. Svoje zručnosti a techniky zdokonalila počas svojho dlhoročného pôsobenia v Bruseli a v Miláne, kde vyučovala v Pilates štúdiu.

Silvia Bedotto - inštruktorkaJoga v štýle Iyengar

Ďaľšou časťou jej vášne pre pohyb je Joga a to v štýle Iyengar, teda joga s pomôckami. Silvia je certifikovanou inštruktorkou RYT200 Registered Yoga Teacher, registrovanou u Yoga Alliance International. Diplom získala v roku 2015 u Francoise Raoulta, Open Sky Yoga, Rochester, NY, USA, ktorý študoval priamo u BKS Iyengara.

Okrem týchto metód sa venuje fasciálnej anatómii, fasciálnemu fitness, ajurvéde, cvičeniam metódou Yamuna a ďalším iným metódam. Taktiež je diplomovaným fitness trénerom z Trénerskej školy P. Stacha, majstra Európy v Prahe. Všetky poznatky využíva na svojich hodinách, ku klientovi volí hlavne individuálny prístup a variabilitu cvičení. Snaží sa kreatívne sprístupníť cvičenie každému, kto sa hýbať chce a chce to robiť s radosťou, rešpektujúc potenciál a jedinečnosť každého človeka.

Silvia vyučuje v angličtine, francúzštine, taliančine a slovenčine a ponúka Vám plne vybavené štúdio so strojmi Garuda Apparatus, strojmi Pilates equipment a pomôckami na jogu a pilates, kde si môžete prísť zacviciť individuálne, v menšej, či väčšej skupine.

Pohyb je naším prirodzeným lekárom

Diplomy Pilates

Pilates Comprehensive Pilates cvičenia matwork (na podložke) Pilates strojov Cadillac, Reformer, Trapeze, Barrel, Chair

Absolvované workshopy

Pilates pre skoliózu Pre/post natálny Pilates Pilates pre seniorov Posttraumatické stavy Anatomy in clay a ďalšie


Hlavnou oblasťou jej záujmu je cvičenie metódou Garuda, ktorej sa venuje od roku 2010. Študuje ju priamo u jej tvorcu v Londýne, kde pokračuje v neustálom rozširovaní znalostí a zručností. Je prvou certifikovanou inštruktorkou metódy Garuda na Slovensku.

Výborné výsledky či už ako sekundárnej rehabilitácie alebo ako kondičného cvičenia ju presviedčajú, že revolučná metóda Garuda je naozaj inteligentným spôsobom cvičenia a fitnessom 21. storočia.

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 5 reviews
by Sabine on Garuda Studio

Every human body is different, ... each has its particular crooks and crannies, worn-out bits, and other patched-up parts. That said after your first class with Silvia you walk out absolutely convinced that you have this great hidden potential ... that there's a path leading to physical and mental well-being whatever our patched-up parts ... and that Silvia seems to know how to get us ON that path. She does it with communicative positive energy AND empathy, taking into account your particularities, but simultaneously pushing you out (or some days way out) of your comfort zone so that you end up ... well hey ... pretty impressed with yourself. Not only have I spent the last 5 years following her classes (never getting bored, seeing as how Silvia is endlessly changing/adapting/enriching her classes with new exercises), but my 14 year old daughter Inès, too. She took to hating her body when it suddenly went into adolescent mode, and Pilates with Silvia definitely helped her reconcile body and mind. Inès and I will certainly recall laughing in year's to come Silvia's favourite encouragement when inviting us to try some crazy new exercise she'd found: "Come on guys, try! It's not that difficult!"

by Claudia on Garuda Studio

Pilates helped me to stop and, who knows, maybe even reverse the process of stiffening by ageing. Silvia sometimes even made me feel almost elegant while I tortured myself on the machine. And what now? How can I carry on now that Silvia left Brussels? Not everybody is replaceable after all.

by Laura L. K. on Garuda Studio

From the winter of 2007 until the summer of 2010 I was first training with and later teaching alongside Silvia. She was an exceptionally dedicated student who was very eager to learn all the material offered to us during the training. As a fellow student I could appreciate Silvia's way to dig into the new exercises practising them on her own as well as her very precise way of working. As a teacher Silvia is very caring and pays great attention to detail and client safety. She is able to explain the exercises carefully and takes great care that the material is performed correctly by the clients. Silvia's positive attitude and curious mind with her high work ethics makes her a very inspiring colleague to work with.

by Bernard on Garuda Studio

I’ve been practising Pilates for almost 3 years. It's always been a pleasure and fun having classes with Silvia as she keeps bringing new material from her continuous learning efforts. She always brings her positive approach and excitement to her class which inspires and motivates her students to keep practising. So be prepaid, to go beyond your physical capabilities with Silvia.

by Banu on Garuda Studio

I have taken Pilates classes with Silvia for nearly three years now, and wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who is interested in either beginning Pilates or becoming better at it. Silvia constantly attends workshops and then she applies her amazing learning to our classes. Her classes are always interesting and very satisfying, as you can really see the difference in your body. She pays attention to her students, and ensures that all movements are done correctly. Silvia is a lovely person who makes you work hard and definitely knows what she is doing. It has been a pleasure to take Pilates classes with a true expert.